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Dr. Hiba Al-Bayati
Master of Medical Studies at NOSM
What inspired you to work with Equity in Medicine?
My main inspiration in working with EDI Canadian leaders comes from their mission and goal to advocate for health equality and the promotion of diversity and inclusion in medicine. My main goal is to immerse myself in real-world activities of healthcare advocacy, promote health equity and create a safe space for physicians to discuss equity in medicine. I believe our diverse population and large landmass means we must work together to improve health equity in Canada.
Name a physician leader who inspires you and why?
Dr. Ali Aziz Ali. He was an orthopeadic professor in medical school. He was a bright young physician who showed me that being a physician was a great responsibility and privilege. He was diagnosed with lung cancer and he continued to work and supervise medical students. I learned to never give up on myself or my patients and I learned the importance of advocacy. He was a true leader with a passion for his career. He passed away on June 4, 2016.
What is your hope for physicians with respect to EDI in the future?
Advocate for changes to improve the social and mental health of physicians.
​Advocacy on behalf of individual physicians.
Adopting equitable practice design.
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