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Dr. Bolu Ogunyemi
Assistant Dean of Social Accountability, MUN
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, MUN
Advisory Committee,
Black Physicians of Canada
Board of Directors,
Board of Directors,
Canadian Doctors for Medicare
Skin Research Group of Canada
CMAJ Practice Advisory Panel
What inspired you to work with Equity in Medicine?
I have a long standing passion for diversity and anti-racism. When I came across Equity in Medicine, I felt that being part of this group was a good way to contribute to education around these issues for the Canadian medical community.
Name a physician leader who inspires you and why?
My father, Professor Abayomi Ogunyemi, for pioneering epilepsy management in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Serving as role models for physicians as changemakers and embedding effective and compassionate leadership and improved access to care, the following physician leaders inspire me: Drs. James Rourke, Sharon Peters, Margaret Steele, Ian Landells, Wayne Gulliver, and Harvey Lui.
What is your hope for physicians with respect to EDI in the future?
I hope that equity, diversity and inclusion becomes ingrained in the medical profession in the future so that it is reflected in all practice, policies and procedures.
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